Owc Launches The Mercury Accelsior Pci Express Ssd For Mac

Mercury Electra 3G. The best choice SSD for your Mac with SATA 3Gb/s. Whether it's replacing a factory SSD or hard drive in a legacy Mac, or adding a new 2.5-inch SSD to your 3Gb/s system, Mercury Electra 3G offers a fantastic upgrade up to 2.0TB, delivering superior performance and reliability.
Being it is a PCIe controller I can see why it would be an issue and it would be up to OWC in my opinion.
Based on title, someone else last week I think mentioned trouble with Lion + Windows and that controller.
Locked keyboard on laptop hp. In the right-pane, turn-off Filter Keys option.Restart your computer and see if the USB Keyboard is now working 4. On the next screen, select Keyboard in the left-pane.
Apple doesn't read here, or update for 3rd party products. And updates to drivers etc don't really seem to be issued except for new Macs - installing a partition is almost all - anything beyond that.. fan speed control and heat are serious issues for MacBook, iMac, Air and even Mac Pro.
rEFIt perhaps or something like that?
Or leave OS X as the default and only use Option when you want to boot into Windows.
If anything might, and MacDrive has best HFS support to mount other hard drives in Windows and provide read/write. So might ask if they know anything. But I think you need to ask MacSales and if the card has to be flashed (believe it does, it is not OS independent) to be used for Windows booting, which would suggest it can be seen also.
Booting from PCI Express is the issue with most controllers and limited to a few.
Jun 6, 2012 10:19 AM
I have a new OWC Mercury Accelsior SSD PCIe card in my 2009 Mac Pro. The Mac OS X 10.7 system folder and applications are all on this PCIe SSD. I also have another SATA SSD (2.5') installed with Windows 7 on it and a 4TB SATA HD for data files. I have found that I can select to boot from the Mac into Windows 7, but when I want to change back to the Mac, the Boot Camp control panel in Windows 7 will not recognize the Startup Folder on the Accelsior SSD, despite being able to recognize the drive on the Desktop. The only way I have been able to get back into the Mac OS is by rebooting and holding down the Option-key in order to select the startup folder.If Apple is not aware of this problem, I would appreciate an update to the Windows 7 Boot Camp control panel to correct this.Cheers. Being it is a PCIe controller I can see why it would be an issue and it would be up to OWC in my opinion.Based on title, someone else last week I think mentioned trouble with Lion + Windows and that controller.Apple doesn't read here, or update for 3rd party products. And updates to drivers etc don't really seem to be issued except for new Macs - installing a partition is almost all - anything beyond that.
Fan speed control and heat are serious issues for MacBook, iMac, Air and even Mac Pro.rEFIt perhaps or something like that?Or leave OS X as the default and only use Option when you want to boot into Windows.If anything might, and MacDrive has best HFS support to mount other hard drives in Windows and provide read/write. So might ask if they know anything. But I think you need to ask MacSales and if the card has to be flashed (believe it does, it is not OS independent) to be used for Windows booting, which would suggest it can be seen also.Booting from PCI Express is the issue with most controllers and limited to a few. I don't see how any firmware update or flashing will change Apple's Boot Camp software. Neither Windows 7 or Mac OS X have any problem recognizing the PCIe card and the files on it. It is Apple's Boot Camp control panel for Windows 7 that was not written to check for a Startup Folder on a PCIe card, and since this is software that Apple created it is up to them to issue an update, not OWC.
I'm pretty sure that third party modification of Apple Software is strictly forbidden.Can you suggest how I may be able to contact Apple about this issue? As I stated earlier, Windows 7 has no problem reading the PCIe card, so why would I need to adjust the BIOS? I'm running Windows 7 through Boot Camp on a Mac Pro, not a PC. And the Windows 7 partition is NOT on the PCIe card, as you suppose - it is on a separate SATA drive. These details are in my original post. I think you're making this much more complicated than it is. All I want is for Apple's Boot Camp control panel for Windows 7 to check for a Startup Folder on the PCIe card.
Since the same control panel will look for the Mac System Folder on SATA, Optical, USB or Firewire external drives it should not be difficult to update Boot Camp to poll a PCIe card for the Mac OS X system folder.Your replies are frustrating becase you don't seem to understand the configuration I've presented, and I'm sorry, but telling me to ask Intel to change their UEFI specification is rediculous. If all you can offer is to tell me to contact OWC, then please do not bother to reply to this thread. The Mac Startup Disk Preferences Panel in Mac OS X is able to select a Mac OS X partition from the Accelsior SSD. The problem is that the Boot Camp control panel (which is supposed to perform the same function in Windows) is unable to do the same.Does the card appear differently to Windows than it does to Mac OS X? Check Device Manager in Windows and About this Mac in Mac OS X. I am unable to check this myself since Boot Camp will not work on my Mac Pro 2008 while the Accelsior card is installed. Apple Footer.This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only.
Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the efficacy of any proposed solutions on the community forums. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the.