Shibboleth Users

Shibboleth logoShibboleth is a log-in system for computer networks and the. It allows people to sign in using just one identity to various systems run by federations of different organizations or institutions. The federations are often universities or public service organizations.The Shibboleth initiative created an and implementation for and -based and (or ) infrastructure based on (SAML). Federated identity allows the sharing of information about users from one security domain to the other organizations in a federation.
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This Answer contains instructions for enabling Shibboleth authentication as your credential-based user authentication method. This guide is intended for systems administrators who will be installing and maintaining SAML/Shibboleth service provider software for an application (or set of co-located apps) at Harvard. The following basic skills are expected of the reader: Familiarity with the local operating system, including how to install software (on some UNIX systems, this may mean compiling packages from source code.
This allows for cross-domain single sign-on and removes the need for content providers to maintain user names and passwords. (IdPs) supply user information, while service providers (SPs) consume this information and give access to secure content.
Contents.History The Shibboleth project grew out of Internet2. Today, the project is managed by the Shibboleth Consortium. Two of the most popular software components managed by the Shibboleth Consortium are the Shibboleth Identity Provider and the Shibboleth Service Provider, both of which are implementations of.The project was named after an used in the ( ) because were not able to pronounce 'sh'.The Shibboleth project was started in 2000 to facilitate the sharing of resources between organizations with incompatible authentication and authorization infrastructures. Was performed for over a year prior to any software development. After development and testing, Shibboleth IdP 1.0 was released in July 2003.
This was followed by the release of Shibboleth IdP 1.3 in August 2005.Version 2.0 of the Shibboleth software was a major upgrade released in March 2008. It included both IdP and SP components, but, more importantly, Shibboleth 2.0 supported SAML 2.0.The Shibboleth and SAML protocols were developed during the same timeframe. From the beginning, Shibboleth was based on SAML, but, where SAML was found lacking, Shibboleth improvised, and the Shibboleth developers implemented features that compensated for missing features in. Some of these features were later incorporated into, and, in that sense, Shibboleth contributed to the evolution of the SAML protocol.Perhaps the most important contributed feature was the legacy Shibboleth AuthnRequest protocol. Since the SAML 1.1 protocol was inherently an IdP-first protocol, Shibboleth invented a simple HTTP-based authentication request protocol that turned SAML 1.1 into an SP-first protocol. This protocol was first implemented in Shibboleth IdP 1.0 and later refined in Shibboleth IdP 1.3.Building on that early work, the introduced a fully expanded AuthnRequest protocol into the Liberty Identity Federation Framework.

Eventually, Liberty ID-FF 1.2 was contributed to OASIS, which formed the basis for the OASIS SAML 2.0 Standard. Architecture Shibboleth is a web-based technology that implements the HTTP/POST artifact and attribute push profiles of, including both Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Provider (SP) components.
NSDL Shibboleth User Attributes NSDL Shibboleth User Attributes Background EduPersonThenames a set of attributes that provide acommon vocabulary for exchanging information about users. It istargeted at members of the higher education community, but most ofthe attributes are applicable to anyone. The eduPerson attributes,whose names start with the prefix “eduPerson”, are intended to beused in combination with “person”, “organizationalPerson” and“inetOrgPerson” attribute sets (see X.521, RFC 2798), and thespec helpfully lists many of those attributes. NSDL Sites Identity Providers (Origins) NSDL Default Identity Provider An individual without an account at an NSDL federationmember can still log in to NSDL services by creating an accountat the default IdP. This covers most users, since ColumbiaUniversity is currently the only institution hosting an IdP.Attributes are supplied by the users.
Thus they have no realassurance of truth. The one exception is email address, whichthe user may optionally supply and verify. Columbia University Identity provider for members of the Columbia Universitycommunity. User attributes are probably trustworthy.
NSDL CI Team Lightly used IdP for people on the NSDL Core Integrationteam. Service Providers (Targets) NSDL Portal The central NSDL site at, hosted atCornell. AskNSDL At this site, ordinary people can ask science-relatedquestions and experts answer. It’s all published at. Hosted at Syracuse University. Earthscape Columbia Earthscape is a comprehensive aggregation ofresources in the Earth and Environmental Sciences.NSDL Account Maintenance Users who register with the NSDL default IdP can edit theiraccount information here.(Listed for the sake of completeness.)List of Attributes Attributes Currently in Use. eduPersonPrincipalName DescriptionUsername, Screen Name, loginID, netID.
EduPerson: “The ‘NetID’ ofthe person for the purposes of inter-institutionalauthentication.”Offered by. NSDL default identity provider. NSDL internal identity provider. Columbia University identity providerUsesCan be used to uniquely identify users when an opaque identifier(eduPersonTargetedId) is insufficient.Required by. AskNSDLValuesusername@domain, where domain is the name of the localsecurity domain.
“username” is the value and “domain” is the scope.RepeatableNoExamples. dsm@columbia.eduComments. displayName Description“Preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries.”Offered by.
NSDL default identity provider. NSDL internal identity provider. Columbia University identity providerUsesCan be used to address the user, etc. displays “Loggedin as: displayname”Required byValuesA full name as the user prefers it written.RepeatableNoExamples. Noah Levitt. R.
Andrew JohnstonComments. mail DescriptionEmail address.Offered by. NSDL default identity provider. NSDL internal identity provider. Columbia University identity providerUsesTo send correspondence to the user for whatever reason.Required byValuesuser@domainRepeatableNoExamples. khenry@ucar.eduComments.
eduPersonTargetedId DescriptionA persistent opaque per-user identifier.Offered by. NSDL default identity provider. NSDL internal identity provider.
Columbia University identity providerUsesCan be used to uniquely identify users when identifiableinformation is not needed.