Dps Meter For Mac

Benq dvd rom driver for mac. . Download excel 2003 analysis toolpak for mac. Wow Dps Meter Add-ons Dps Meter Add Ons For Mac ProYou got it right. Since SWTOR is a closed platform (no addons) then you have to find a way to pull the combat information externally, in this case, a program just scans the stored combat log on your machine and parses it out. John did 5 damage to Boss Bob did 5 damage to Boss John did 10 damage to boss Second count +1 John did 5 damage to boss Bob did 5 damage to boss John did 10 damage to Boss second count +1 John's dps = 5+10+5+10 / second count (2) = 15 Bob's dps = 5+5 / second count (2) = 15 That's barebones how it's calculated.
Generally, the resolution of time (Second count) is a lot higher than a second because of the speed of combat.
Version highlights: Time label showing the time in combat. Configuration possibility of the number recognition process. Bugfix, which could cause the dps to overflow on higher 'updates per second' settings.