Difference Between Hardwood And Softwood Cell Structure

Difference Between Hardwood And Softwood Cell Structure Rating: 5,8/10 7343 votes

Hardwood vs Softwood: Pros, cons & best uses. Published 13 Apr 2018 in News From Urbanline. Identifying the differences between hardwood and softwood, the pros and cons, and where each timber works best, will point you in the right direction. The trees’ dense cellular structure gives the timber incredible strength.

. 209 DownloadsAbstractThe secondary xylem of the conifers is commonly called softwood. This term can at times be misleading, however, as many coniferous woods are physically quite hard while some angiosperm hardwoods are, in fact, quite soft (e.g. Softwoods are simpler and more homogeneous in structure than hardwoods. The greater bulk of the axial cell system is made up of tracheids which function both in water conduction and support (Figs. Some softwoods also have axial parenchyma cells but these are never as abundant as in hardwoods. Fibres and vessel elements are absent.

Resin excreting epithelial cells and strand tracheids are the only other axial elements present, and these occur in a few softwoods only. The ray system is built up mostly of thin walled parenchyma cells with ray tracheids and horizontal resin canals present in some woods.

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